Church Planting in India

With a clear vision, in the year 2000, we started sharing the Gospel to the scattered Meitei youths in Indian cities. We visited colleges, students’ hostels and different places where young people reside; working as well as pursuing various professions and degrees. Through tract distribution, one to one evangelism and group open air preaching, sometimes inviting over for a lunch at home, we shared the gospel. A prayer group was formed in 2007, MANIPURI CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, BANGALORE. It is interdenominational, independent and functioned by faith. After sometime, we extended the work to Mysore city.

Attending the ACTI cross cultural program and gaining immense knowledge motivated me to work cross culturally and spread the gospel beyond boundary. The good work that God has begun, should grow, expand, enlarge and multiply across borders. We shall move forward, for where God calls, He shall provide. – Sweety D Kaping (55th Batch Alumni)

How did God call you into ministry?

Sweety:  In 1993, my first baby boy died, 2 days after delivery, I was devastated and prayed asking God, why He didn’t save my baby when I had promised to give Him my first child as Samuel was dedicated by Hannah since I was not able to fulfill my commitment to serve Him. Then I heard a crystal clear voice calling my name and saying “I want you, I don’t want anyone to substitute you”. After that, I decided to do His will and prayed “Here am I Lord!” and now I am in His vineyard. This is how my God called me and I responded.

What are your thoughts and feelings about serving Him over all these year?

Sweety: I have worked in various sectors but nothing made me happy and I was never satisfied though I am paid well. The only thing that makes me complete and happy is by talking about my Lord Jesus. I shall talk more about the Lord and never cease to be the happiest person. I don’t even count the amount of years I have been serving Him because it does not feel like labour at all. 

What propels you forward to continue your work and ministry?

Sweety: … can they hear without someone preaching to them. Romans 10:14 (The Ryrie NIV study Bible)
It’s my lifetime commitment to Him. He had brought me so far not to leave me here, I still have to move forward far and wide. God’s work in His way always win. Like Caleb, in his 80s, Psalm 92:14…… In old age, they shall stay fresh and green.. (The Ryrie NIV study Bible), I look forward to serve Him with hope that He will guide me along the way till my final breath.